The Solar Pergola in South Melbourne – BCSE Award for Excellence
Going Solar's Environmental Management System involves its employees in its commitment to leadership in environmental affairs. Its structure and programs are designed to integrate environmental considerations throughout its operations.
At Going Solar, we continually strive to improve the environmental aspects of our operations and activities. The paper used by staff, the electricity consumption in our office, the generation of office waste and the use and operation of motor vehicles, are all targets for improvement. In 2001, Going Solar moved its primary operations into the 60L Green Building, one of Melbourne's most environmentally friendly buildings.
Our activities and operations are continually under review to ensure that our E.M.S. policies and strategies are being adhered to. As promoters of renewable energy and sustainable living. Going Solar and its employees are advocates of an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly way of life.
Going Solar has an obligation under the Workplace Health & Safety Act 1995 to ensure the workplace health and safety of each of its employees, and to ensure that other persons (such as visitors and contractors) are not exposed to risks to their health and safety arising out of Going Solar's activities.
Going Solar recognizes the importance of a healthy and safe workplace, the protection and productivity of its stakeholders, and as a principle of business sustainability.
The Occupational Health and Safety Policy applies to all staff, contractors, visitors, and work Places of Going Solar. Ultimately, the General Manager has responsibility for the safety of these people.
Divisional Managers are responsible for implementing the Occupational Health and Safety Manual and ensuring adherence to the standards by others in that division.
The Occupational Health and Safety Manual is included as part of this policy. The Manual includes incident report forms, safety procedures, hazard analysis procedures and conditions and information on what to do in case of an accident.
Going Solar's Quality Policy is based on the following principles:
Going Solar's Trading Policy is based on the following principles:
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